Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Techy toys and lifestyle

My friend Todd just got his Macbook! He's officially a Mac guy. I'm jealous but I still like the tiny EeePC. It's a little finicky sometimes though, so I hope it doesn't need to go back on warranty. I managed to break the screen on my iPod, but I got another LCD on ebay. Now I get to try to pull off this procedure. Looks scary. LOST is coming so I'm trying to get my computer set up to record video. I love the XBox Media Center for watching stuff on my TV, like it was supposed to be.

I finally started getting some much-needed clothes, and I'm working on a proper coat and footwear. The condo is coming together slowly as far as furnishings, but I'm still fighting the cleaning and pet odor battle. I'm taking Monday off for my birthday so I hope to get all that nailed once and for all. Honestly, I'd like to be able to have people over (both friends and in the dating context) and now it would give the wrong impression. My mom is helping with window coverings, to have something softer than mini-blinds and get much-needed insulation out of it.

Speaking of my birthday, I'm looking forward to going clubbing with some lady friends this weekend, platonic though they may be. Dancing with women is one of my favorite things and it hasn't happened nearly enough. But that's OK, because Thursdays have already shown some potential for dating and dancing with eligible women who don't already know me as asexual, and are pretty attractive in their own right. I'm doing a little better at not stressing about all that and keeping happy. The dancing itself is just starting to be fun, even though I'm early on in learning it.

I think I can actually say I like being single. Feeding myself and getting enough exercise/sleep still takes effort but I'm doing alright. Karaoke is taking effort lately, so I'm glad I'm not doing school this term; if all goes well, I'll have an operation to be proud of without it taking up as much time.

Some goals at this point:

  • Volkswagen!
  • chore, exercise and sleep routine
  • comfortable at swing dancing
  • few, organized possessions, all stored at home
  • a budget and financial plan (long-term care/retirement, real estate)
  • solid start on furniture or vehicle design project
  • fixed bicycle
  • DJ time set aside regularly, with all equipment working together
  • read and watch movies more

Oh, and I have to go on vacation! Hawaii and NYC are the closer/cheaper ones, and then I need to go international. Part of the budget.

Learning to program in python with the nephews just doesn't sound very appealing or feasible. All the more reason I'm getting sterilized.


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