Monday, December 17, 2007

Dork out

I didn't do a lot this weekend, but I got some of my Xbox features online. I now have weather forecasts on the TV, and I can watch videos stored on my computer through the TV. It's slicker than snot, picking recorded shows and checking weather with just the DVD remote. The online video stuff from Apple Trailers and YouTube don't work because my broadband is too slow, but I'll be setting it up to grab news feeds here and there, and maybe a video podcast.

Today I forgot we're having a white-elephant happy hour after work, but I improvised a gift. Thing is, I have a date at 7 so I won't be staying too long. I hope it goes well. I'm all self-conscious lately about my wardrobe and hair so I'm planning to change both soon. The condo is going to get a bunch of attention, with a trip to Ikea for all kinds of textiles. With the old windows, it's hard to get the place to warm up at all, so some fabric blinds should help a lot. Yesterday I wasted a lot of time on that, deciding which colors to get.

My exercise and sleep regimen have dropped off. Weekend karaoke eats up a lot of time and energy, and it's easy to just stay there all night without thinking.

I decided the way I have to make my lifestyle changes is to micromanage myself. If I think of it as supervising someone else, and detach myself from it enough to scold/reward myself as needed, it should get better results. This morning, I totally stayed in bed too long. It was bad, and I barely got to work in time for a meeting. Time to get another calendar, and record my exercise and sleep habits. I think just writing it down will encourage me to keep consistent and be more satisfied with the positive change. I need all the help I can get.


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