Sunday, September 30, 2007

The projects

My car is from a broken home.

My dad is about 2/3 done with replacing the garage roof and it doesn't leak very much. I can't wait to get my Volkswagen on the road. He needs a name.

Friday, September 28, 2007

How do they get out of this one?

I figured out one way to move the backhoe without filling the hole first:

Put the shovel on the ground enough to put weight on it. Then back away from the shovel while moving the arm away from you. It acts as a leg. No idea if that's what they did; I'm just guessing.

lots to do

I seem to be getting somewhere at work. At least, I'm keeping up a lot better and knocking out the visible stuff people have been asking about. I really need to get the GTD method to happen. Hopefully my new iPod will be a way to do that with to do lists.

Some chain reactions in progress that are good:
  • helping Karl with Linux Sunday, so I can fix my own computer with his CD
  • fixing parents' garage roof, so we can work on my car
  • moving with ToddB, and moving my own stuff out of storage (and getting the Xbox)
  • started class at PCC toward my drafting certificate

I really need to dedicate a whole Saturday or Sunday to working on my condo. Doing alright with exercizing. The main goal there is to do capoeira so I will stay fit and enjoy it.

Still staying off OKCupid and Myspace unless I get a message. It's not easy but I'm staying faithful to that commitment.