Saturday, January 01, 2011

Causes of Procrastination

I think one of my main "problems" is the tendency to overinflate setbacks (mountains out of molehills), and that can certainly lead to procrastination! Just the process to get a referral to a helpful psychologist seemed overwhelming, especially when trying to describe it all to my wife afterward. I'd say a lot of procrastination is based on distorted perception/perspective on the task to be done, including...
  • perceived time (available, and duration of the task)
  • perceived difficulty (past challenges/frustrations, size of task)
  • perceived need (importance to self, others)
  • perceived ability (your own confidence in performing it adequately)
I tend to be analytical, so that's something I should use to my advantage. That is, I not only need to break down tasks to be done into smaller bits (something that's been suggested for ADD sufferers), but also become more aware and record how I think and behave around delaying tasks.


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