Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Now I get it

It's all about making time and a real effort to genuinely relax. A certain special young lady has shown me just how much difference it makes, and she's just learned it from her own recent experience. I already feel better. The personal MySpace profile is gone. Hopefully Facebook doesn't become equally pointless and oppressive.

Karaoke is still something I'm working on, but I'm not forcing myself to be there all the time. That's a big relief. I'm getting back into swing dancing, and it's good fun. Now I just need to start doing yoga and capoeira. And keep at cleaning and exercise.

So glad that I'm done looking for someone to date. Work has been a lot better lately, and I'm proud of my progress. I just hope I can get some momentum on the Volkswagen, and carry that into the container home project.


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