Friday, July 25, 2008

One more weekend for July

I haven't made serious progress on the house plan, and that just won't do. Sunday will be nothing but drafting. Billing got messed up on my web hosting but that should be back online soon, and I'll publish the design spread there.

Girl Talk concert tomorrow night, and one next Friday. The Volkswagen will get some wrench love during the day tomorrow. I'll have to blog that work on the site too, because it's kinda green (flex-fuel and better mileage than my truck) and the design is classic. Need to finish it before we can replace that garage anyway.

Not getting enough done at work. :( Planning to lay down the law for the karaoke gig too, because I don't get my money's worth out of my workers. I need to accept that if it goes under for lack of me being there, so be it. It's had a good run, and I can still DJ or do karaoke for special events if I promote it. But first I should promote the Ladd's nights, and get more music.


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