Monday, July 07, 2008


4 big things are finally getting started.

I'm back in the weekend habit of working on the Volkswagen project. Yesterday we decided how to clear the driveway, and narrow down the parts needed.

On July 30th, we record my scratching for Kenn's new tracks.

By the end of the month I'll have my home project in presentation-grade format, and entered into a design contest.

At work, I've found the software I'm going to build a PACS solution out of, to replace the irritating archive and transfer setup they have now. It will make my life easier, teach me a lot, and make me look like a hero again. And of course, next year it'll serve to earn a raise.

Dating is lukewarm at best, but I can live without it for awhile. This stuff has to happen. July is my month. I should reward myself with an August vacation.


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