Monday, July 12, 2004


So, I found a use for this thing. The idea about how Europeans hate genetically-modified (GM) foods with a passion, but Americans are mostly indifferent toward them, came up in email. It made me think of the many things that are the opposite -- popular in the rest of the world, but not stateside. Here's my list:

- diesels
- hatchbacks
- nuclear power plants
- Fanta
- pro soccer ("football")
- men's fashion magazines
- the metric system

That's all I could come up with. Feel free to post your own as comments.


Blogger HutchDeluxe said...

I left out dance music because there's still a huge club-kid and raver/underground following of electronic music in the US. But it just doesn't make it as mainstream pop with few exceptions, and it's particularly scarce as a radio format here. Lots of weekend mix-shows, but only the big cities are blessed with dance stations.

Man, I want to get into that kind of DJing, and start legally broadcasting on AM to build sponsorship. We need an electronica station here.

2:07 PM  

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